need help with forearm anatomy
Shaun Boribor
so i'm trying to learn forearm muscles but i'm already confused with my first one. first, what is the muscle/s that creates that ridge near the wrist? 2. which one of those two chunky muscle near the humurus are the ridge muscles? is it both or is the bottom one is an extensor muscle?
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while the brachioradial group has a split going along it that kind of makes it two muscles, it's not both, the bottom muscles is just the extensor group, and the extensor group almost "tucks" under the brachial group. It's kind of weird to explain but hope this clarifies it. Also, the "ridge" is caused by that same brachial group because of it's attachment point, which is right in the middle of the humerus and snugs in between the bicep, triceps, and the brachialis.
Vue Thao
Such reference from Pinterest may help you see and understand what these muscles are. 1. 2.
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