Need advice/critique
This is a sketch study that somehow leans towards a paint but doesn't feel finished.
My guesses would be ,I think, the silhouette is not clear but don't know how exactly make clear in a smooth way without a rough line dividing character and background.
Also i think it would be interesting give some highlights to the skin but, again, no sure how to do do it. Feel free to suggest anything, even not related to what i mentionated.
First off, looks great so far! I would say that the shadows need some adjustments. There is too much of the same shadow color. Adding in some darker tones would help make the piece feel more finished and make the other colors pop more. Also, I would add in shadows coming from the glasses and hair, on the side of the face and the legs. You could add another layer and add shadows playing with different colors. Try lowering the opacity on a new layer to see how different colors affect the look of the shadows and the overall color. Hope this advice helps!