Looking for Critiques about my work!
Jorge Alejandro Castellanos Paz
I am a 3d everyday artist and I been creating art for 530+ days straight! While I feel my work has improved with time, I still believe I can get better, Ill select 10 of my "best work" hopefully you can all help me out if you are interested in checking the rest of my work: My Website is : stupidgiant.com My Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/stupidgiant/
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Luigi Manese
Hi @Jorge Alejandro Castellanos Paz, I'm currently an artist who mostly does 'Concept Art' type stuff and I like to consume paintings that are more representational, so I may not be the best person to critique your current portfolio. However, I just wanted to give my input regarding image making that you might help you out for your future pieces. So, for my personal tastes, I've attached the images that I felt were your strongest pieces. The one with the floating cubes in the water in particular is my favorite out of all the ones you posted. I think the cubes, as well as the frame in the front, offer a really nice unification of square shapes that stand out as focal areas to direct your eye. I like how the shape of the cubes is balanced by the rhythm and flow of the water and clouds. I believe this combination of focal areas, and balancing your shapes is what makes this piece strong. For the second image with the figure in the clouds, I really like the simplicity of the composition. I like how the circle is a punchy shape to offset the figure, and again, there is an overall focus to the image that makes it well designed. Additionally, I like how you gave this one a hand painted look. It gives the viewer some sort of pay off when they observe the image more closely and realize 'Wow, this was painted!' For the third image, much like the others, I feel like it has a solid design overall. The image contains very clear and strong diagonals, the punchiest diagonal being the flow from the shadow of the left arm, going all the way up through one of the arms coming out of the head. Additionally, the punch of color with the flowers offers a nice focal area, and the figure is expressive enough to be relatable to the viewer. If we can apply these aforementioned points to your other pieces, I think I can break down some areas in which you can improve. So, the most important things about composing your images (in my opinion) has to do with your shape choice. You want a solid shape motif that creates focus, and then a sub motif to balance that first motif. Again, we see this in your first image below, where your 'square' motif is the main focus, and the sub motif is the rhythm of the ocean and clouds. Looking at your other images, they seem less unified because this principle doesn't come through as clearly. The ones that come close are the image where the floating cube is chained up, and the yellow image with the half green half white figure. Actually, looking at it again, that yellow image with the half green half white figure is well composed (my bias may have come through with that one, so apologies for that). However, for the image with the floating chained cube, I think what kills the image is the pose of the foreground figure, and that goes to my next point. So, when we use different mediums, we give different pay offs for the viewer. Like I mentioned before, if you painted a realistic looking image, there is a pay off for the viewer when they come close and say 'Wow, that's a painting!' Unfortunately for 3-D, you don't get that kind of pay off, which means you really have to be extra careful with what you put into your images. I think what kills a lot of your images is that your posed figures seem very stiff. For a painting, you can get away with this a bit more (just because of that aforementioned viewer pay-off effect). For 3-D, a stiff figure can really make your images feel a lot less lively, which holds back the piece overall. I think this applies even more to your work because you've abstracted a lot of the heads on your figures, which means you really need to emphasize those gestures to make them feel alive. With the pieces I've laid out below, I think you've really captured some lively poses that match the vibe of the image, and you've done it without leaning heavily on expression, which is amazing. Anyway, I hope this perspective from someone who isn't an abstract artist can be useful! Let me know if there is any part of my breakdown that's confusing so that I can better explain myself!
Jorge Alejandro Castellanos Paz
Hi Luigi! Thank you so much with your extreamly detailed input! This is exactly what I been searching for, lately I tried to make my poses less "stiff" like you pointed out, (Ill be adding them on this post) I've cut back on using objects as faces... because I am currently trying to get out of my comfort zone... I also tried to make a "master study" like marshal and stan mention in one episode. I choose death of the marat by Jacques-Louis David, I really like this piece because the pose of the character is so elegant.. I feel I am still missing the final piece of the puzzle. I guess its all about studying the human poses and get a feel of it. Again thank you so much Luigi. It helped a tone! I am also working on improving my landscapes so if you have any tips for landscapes aswell, I would love to have some input!
Zyssna Kim
Hi Jorge! I enjoy the surreal aspects of the compositions. Are these 3D renders or photobashes? Also, are you searching for crit on individualized pieces or a wholistic evaluation?
Jorge Alejandro Castellanos Paz
3d render, Mostly I am looking for input, it can be individual or wholistic. I am mostly looking to improve
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