Looking for critique - Portrait illustration
Natali Santini
I am now working on a portrait illustration and here are the final notans I came up with and a sketch
It is a portrait focused on her eyeshadow mainly. An ilustration that would be fit for a beauty magazine.
I also want to show some playfulness in this illustration so I edited the triangle earring in the color notan and gave it some movement to make it less static so I'll go with that. She is wearing a 60's dress (Twiggy style).
The thing in the background is a camera lens.
What can I improve?
All feedback is very appreaciated!
Thank you!
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Nice work! There's some nice structure in the face.
One quick piece of feedback: check the tilts on the mouth compared to the rest of the face.
Also, if it's important for the camera lens to read as a camera lens, you might consider moving it so it's not as covered up. But if it's just a design element it can be more ambiguous.
I agree something about the lips seems a little off, but I thought maybe it was just that the upper lip should protrude a bit more at the centre otherwise more of the lower lip shows on the right side of the illustration (if the head was spun). I think it looks v good though and well constructed. Wouldn't notice if I wasn't looking. Look forward to seeing the final!