Looking for a critique(shoulder bones)
Zuzu Soltys
Hi,this is my attempt of proko's assignment. Critique is highly appreciated.
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Hello, I've redone the assignment keeping things you pointed out on last one in mind. I really found it tricky to draw the scapula on the pose on the bottom right(your correction kinda leaded me). Feedback is kindly appreciated
Thank you for correction. It really helps to see mistakes. Plus thank you for the image of scapula. I feel like I'm a bit confused in the form of scapula so I'll try to work on that as well. Thanks a lot!
Hi @Zuzu Soltys, nice drawings! I think you did a good job capturing the shape and proportions of the scapulae.
- The shoulder girdle feels a bit stiff. The shoulder girdle has a lot of mobility. Try moving you own shoulders and arms and notice how freely the clavicles and scapulae move. You might benefit from studying the scapulothoracic motions on p.4 in the eBook: The Shoulder Bones .
- A crucial point on the shoulder girdle is the acromion process. You might want to study it further to get more confident in placing it. Finding it on yourself can help.
- I would take a closer look at the acromioclavicular joint. You seem to be attaching the clavicle to the anterior edge of the acromion, when I think it should attach to the medial edge.
- A few months ago I came up with a mass conception of the scapula that I'm really happy with. I attached an image of it in case you find it useful.
Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!