Jean Grey
Hey everyone, new to this community. Hoping to upload lots and get feedback. I drew this Jean Grey a little while back. What do you guys think? What specific areas can I work on?
Hey Phil, nice work! You have some gorgeous rendering going on with this piece. The clouds and costume are really beautifully done. A few things I noticed, your proportions and overall construction of the figure is a little off. The head is a little large for a Heroically proportioned figure, and it's blocking the neck so the head feels like it's not connected or centered on the torso. The hair obscures the overall silhouette of the figure giving a confusing read at first glance. Also the overall stance of the figure feels neither like it's grounded, nor like it's floating- the smoke background makes me think she's flying, but the way you've drawn the feet, and perspective of the costume makes me feel like she's maybe on the ground and we're looking down at her? Spend some time constructing a simple mannequin to flesh out your ideas. How to Draw Comics The Marvel Way has a great mannequin framework for how to accomplish this. It also helps to act out the pose you're creating in real life to see how it feels. It will immediately give you physical cues on how to capture the gesture of the pose you're going for. The way you've rendered Jean makes it look like she's crunched forward concentrating, and we can see the squash in the rendering of her costume but not really in her abdomen or obliques where we'd see that squash. She feels like she's a brawler about to pounce from a Wolverine stance rather than in an elegant psionic fighter pose. Some advice from Ryan Benjamin, "Don't Finish Too Fast!" What he means by this is rendering is a final step, icing on the cake. If you haven't put enough time into solving the basic construction and composition of your piece, rendering won't fix or finalize it. The Bridgman studies you're doing will help a lot with the construction of the figure. David Finch just posted a few free videos on how he studies from Bridgman, I'd recommend checking them out! Hope this helps, keep up the great work!!
Part 1- How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way
Part 2 - Bridgman