I tried copying david finch's artwork
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Here is my attempt. I can see some flaws myself like bad line art and shitty hatching and anatomy so honestly i think it went horrible. Im looking for more criticism to see what can i do exactly to make it better or other suggestions
The lines that David is using are meant to give roundness to the forms, they are not just random lines. In a rendered drawing, those lines would be half tones. The way you drew them actually flattens out the forms. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean.
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alr thank you for help, i really struggle with hatching and im not sure if there is a good recommendation video explaining how to do properlly. I have also noticed by your sketch that you made anatomy more accurate so may i ask how because i think i am doing something wrong.I started with gesture then proportions turned into simple shapes and started constructing detail by straights. Am i using wrong way of construction or is my observation just bad?