I need some comments and feedback on my figure drawing. Mostly on shading and lighting conditions.
Hi I spent around three days on this drawing done digitally. I found it very hard to do drawings without the overhand grip to engage the side of the pencil but did my best. I don't have very intricate knowledge on anatomy but I did a lot of angle sighting and analysis on the photo I referenced. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Are you new to digital? I also found it difficult at first because I could not hold it like a pencil. There is definitely a learning curve for digital if you come from a traditional background. Stick with it!!
No, I've been doing digital mostly but I was learning from an instructor that have been doing it traditionally by hand. I wanted to mimic how he did it and saw the problem that I couldn't hold the pencil like his when doing it on the computer. I had to make brushes in my software program to make it look like I was using the side of the pencil.
I’m not a digital artist so I have no advice how to hold or use a pencil in that case, sorry!
With the figure drawing itself, the first impression I gather is the proportions being off so I’d spend more time on that. Check the measurement off the reference and compare to your drawing as you go, or compare a few measurements on the reference and similarly compare those same points on your drawing to see if they all match together. Looking at the photo the left arm and leg look too short (not left leg as in her left leg, but left as in the way we are looking at it).
It’s okay to spend a long time on a figure drawing. I was blown away when I went to an atelier and we would spend 2 weeks on a pose. That whole first week I would spend hours and hours getting all the proportions and angles, slowly chiseling away more and more. If these are off then when you slap on the values it won’t fit quite like you want it. Taking time to get things like proportions and angles is valuable, and you get better and quicker at judging the more you do it.
Anatomy itself takes quite a long time to learn, and it’ll grow the more you challenge yourself with poses while you learn it, so don’t be discouraged.
Keep up the good work, you’re really on the right track here!
Beautiful work! The only thing I notice is that her left hand looks a bit too much like a ball to me. Hands are also my biggest weakness.
Hey there! Wonderful work so far!
I would say you should exaggerate the reflected lights a bit more.
Anatomically I think her feet are a bit too big, and her right arm is a bit weird.
Lastly, lose some detail on her hair, too many lines can make it very confusing and takes away attention from the more important parts of the image. Try to simplify it.
Keep up the good work! :)
Difficult for me to critique as my figure drawings look quite similar! Perhaps soften some of the edges on your darkest darks? The hard lines of shadow (eg. on the thigh) stop it turning in space I think, so soften this to round her up. To me, the anatomy looks good!