How and when should i start doing master studies?
As the topic says. I really want to learn to draw in the style of say Yusuke murata / tite kubo ((Mangaka artists)) But i am not sure on when you should start doing master studies or even how. I take it you need to know the "shapes" that the artist is using in his or her style in order to learn it / copy it. But when should i even delv in to this? Can i do it as a newbie or do i have to master the fundementals before even trying to "find a style"?
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Patrick Bosworth
There's no wrong time, or wrong way to study masters! Many artists (myself included) got started doing copies of comic and manga artists they admire. The only way you'll start to pick up on the techniques used by artists you admire is to try to reverse engineer them yourself! You don't need anything other than your current skillset to jump into a master study. Each study you dive into will help you grow as an artist. Just be open to the learning process, studying masters is difficult!! It helps to have a reason you're approaching a particular master study before you begin, so you can maximize the takeaway from a particular study. Working on gesture? Try to draw some gestures from Yusuke Murata, and then draw some gestures from Tite Kubo's work. Then compare the two, notice similarities, differences, etc. The point of a master study is not just to replicate a piece exactly. It's to begin figuring out your process of how to complete a picture using what you know of drawing fundamentals. Try not to think about drawing the finished piece as you see it. Start with studying the gestures, poses, or portraits you see in your favorite Manga. Do thumbnails, do quick sketches to figure out the poses, try to exaggerate them, push them, play and experiment with them. Have fun! If you start to get close to a gesture you really like, take it to the next step, try to add structure and form on top to give the gestures depth. You're just trying to build the piece step by step using your current knowledge and skill set. You don't need to take it all the way to finished each time. You can work up to that as you start to develop your own process, one element at a time, until you're comfortable taking it to the next stage. It helps to do some research to find out how a particular artist works, what materials, or techniques they use in the process, etc. But you don't need to adhere to their exact methods or materials. You could easily do a graphite study of an inked piece, and try to replicate the look as best you can in pencil. Also vary your master studies! If you like how one artists draws characters and how another artist draws vehicles or environments, study both! Don't focus on trying to "find a style." Focus on executing what you know, and what you can do in the moment. That's all an artist's "style" really is. The more you practice, the more it will develop over time. Whatever you choose to study will start to become part of how you draw, and your style will evolve and emerge with each study you do. Hope this helps! Looking forward to seeing your studies!
thx for the input. I allways thought that i must only draw from real life all the time and then slowly get into stylized. but trying gesture drawing with a character of style i like might be the thing i need to truly enjoy gesture drawing.I suck at it atm tho so i dont know if i should focus on realism first when it comes to gesture just to get my feet wet so to speak. i have been avoiding it tbh tho cus it kinda scares me and like i said i suck and i mean I SUCK! xD Dont know how to study them tho i guess i could watch Murata on youtube. Tite will be a bit more difficult. Dont think he has any social media except for twitter or X as it is now called. I have only been drawing by myself for about 7 months now and its though to say the least. I dont have the money to join prokos premium program. I do want to join some kind of art school tho like Mark brunets digital art school but i dont have a tablet. I am really poor atm. So i am stuck with pen and papper atm. Thx Patrick! ^^
Patrick Bosworth
Also check out the Project and Demos on Line Master Studies in Basics for some more info on how to begin Master Studies!
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