Hand drawing - looking for critique

Nicole Lee
Hello all, below is the hand drawing I just completed with the reference photo attached. It took me a long time to finish but I feel like I have made a lot of progress since my last post! Any critique and feedback on areas I can do better is greatly appreciated!!!
I don't know if this serves as a good critique or not but I feel that you might have added too much skin to the hand which removes the focus a bit too much from the joints, you might need to make the joints pop out a bit more and I guess the index finger is looking a bit wonky, maybe it's the last 2 bones on the edge one seems a bit longer than it should be (middle bone) and the other seems a bit shorter, I think the image or reference could have messed you up because part of the structure of the finger was lost in the shadow and that dark background.
Thank you @sonami those are really good points. I will definitely incorporate your suggestions to my practices next time!
Nice drawing nicole, it's great how you made the gesture more dynamic with the shading. The only thing I notice is the index finger looking too flat and that's because you shortened the side plane
The muscles are looking well defined! The only thing I'm not sure about is the 4th finger, it may need to curve "inwards" a bit more, but that may not read as well as what you did there so nice job!