Going Home - A Digital Painting
Gino Datuin
My painting of a large cloud I saw on my way home from work one day with some close ups.
Critiques are always welcomed.
Wonderful composition1 I love the colors also. But I agree with @Yiming Wu the edges of the cloud could be softened in places or lost in in others to increase that depth. Also I think you can push the hues to a bit more higher chroma in the cloud. Next time try creating the grays of the cloud with a combination of complimentary colors rather than straight gray. Overall it's a wonderful painting! I would love to see a series of these.
Thank you for feedback christopher! I think I struggled the most in the inside of the cloud to create the effect of soft and hard edges and color was never my strong suit so I'm def working on that 😅 I do plan on making a small series of cloud paintings.
Looking interesting! Is it intentional that you made the cloud look like "cut and pasted"? There's some very nice paper-cut like effect on the lit edges. I think if to improve this, you can also put some more sharp edges inside the cloud so it has more "layers" of the fluffy shape.
Thanks for the feedback Yiming! Yes I left that light side edge very sharp to stick out more and softened the edge on the bottom right side to give it somewhat of a balance.