Gesture Practice

Hey, I did some 30 sec gesture drawings and would love to hear some critique. I'm new to Proko 2.0 so i don't know if there are any requirements i need to have to be allowed to post, if so please just say so :) Personally i think i repeat my lines way too often and am not to confident in my lines, otherwise I'm actually pritty happy with my gesture drawing. I look forward to hear your opinion:)
It looks like you're on a good start! But I will advice you to spend more time than 30 seconds to finish each pose. Because from what I see, you had a good start, but then because the time restriction is so short, you're unable to finalize the gesture. You may have heard the popular belief that shorter is better when it comes to time restriction in gesture drawing, but I will have to disagree with it only if the person is just starting out.
The thing about gesture is that as we do it more and grow as artists, we'll draw in faster pace, thus doing gesture for 30 seconds seems like a perfect idea. But if you're just starting out, it's better for you to take more time than that. Not only you'll draw better, but also you'll learn more from each pose.
Thanks for the advice! You're right i feel way more comfortable doing 1 min gesture drawings, since i can get a more decent fleshed out poses than just that stickman!
You've done a great job getting the gesture! From your drawings it is clear what each pose is doing. As far as repeating lines and draftsmanship, keep practicing and don't worry about those extra lines! You can always erase and/or do another drawing. Your lines and your confidence will grow as you practice. The line quality you have right now already is nicely handled!