Character Design n Silhouettes

Hello! I have been working on a webcomic project for a while and I finally got the chance on working on some character designs for minor characters. I worked on those first so I could find a way to make the main characters stick out from the ones I posted. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone could reply with some helpful feedback and tips on handling character designs and silhouettes... Thank you very much!
Hey @taz! I like the line up here. If you can develop the notes you have into the visuals- your group of hunters will look awesome! I have some feedback on the image below going over general tips to improve character designs. The most important thing for me is exaggerating the character identity through the silhouette (you can always tone it down later). You want to be able to tell that your "dog/human hybrid hunter" is exactly that even just by looking at the silhouette. It can be as simple as adding dog ears or a tail with a hunting rifle. There's always different visual solutions to get your point across.
As you develop a character's identity visually you can start to contrast one against another in the line up and it will help guide the design process as you move forward. The rest of the notes are all in the image!
Good work- hope to see more of your comic!
Hi @taz there is one thing I want to point out: Your characters have nice variety in clothing. But nearly all of them have the same hight and body-shape. I think you should try to include also some smaller, taller, thicker and thinner charakters.