Am I getting the gist of the bean?
I did a few examples following along proko, one of them I did as he did it and the other two I did on my own. Tell me if I'm getting the gist of the bean and understanding what I'm supposed to be doing. Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
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The bean is the intersection of the torso + pelvis, or in other words, 2 sphere forms intersecting. You can try finding the minor axis of the ellipse within to check if you are identifying the angle and tilt correctly, draw some ellipse cross contours, or even just trying to draw boxes in perspective on top of the bean to verify that it makes sense. The way the course is setup, it encourages coming back to the earlier lessons with further understanding, so you never really "finish" the basics. As far as I can tell, I think you can move on to the next lesson. Hope that helps.
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