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added comment inHow to Draw Gesture – Step by Step
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My first set of gestures, all about 30 seconds-1 minute. I had several other pages but this one was the first one where I felt like I was getting somewhere. I'm also using a dip pen, so I can learn how to have more control with that medium. Much harder than I thought it would be. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Hi there! These are definitely getting somewhere :)
It's impressive to see that your drawings are already quite accurate in proportion!
There's two pieces of advice I can give you which might be of use:
1. Try making "confident" marks/ lines. This means, start with one line of action for the entire pose. Even if it doesn't align at all with specific body parts! E. g. the LoA for the pose in the top right hand corner would be a big C-curve symbolizing the flow of the torso into the legs. It's not about getting correct results in 30s, it's about literally feeling the pose and the way its energy is translated in drawing. If I were to make a gesture drawing of that pose, I'd glance at it very shortly and my first impression would be: "Whoa, energy flowing in a curve." Then I'd immediately draw this curve based on that very instinctive/emotional first impression.
After you did a line of action, apply the same mindset to the secondary aspects of the pose, meaning one gestural line each for shoulders and pelvis, 1-2 lines each for arms and legs.
This way, you'll get a purely gestural "spaghetti figure", without any informtion about shape/ weight/ contour and all that distracting stuff that one can focus on afterwards.
2. When you are feeling comfortable with the gestural stick figure, I'd recommend simplifying the gestural shape of the torso into a flexible rectangle and later, to add some form, into "the bean" which is dealt with in one of the following lessons. In your gesture drawings it sometimes looks like you didn't have a clear idea of where the torso starts/ends which, I think, is very important for connecting it to the limbs (or the ground plane as well in seated poses).
Also, I personally never start with the head bc I think it's the least gestural part of the body, so it doesn't really help me getting a feeling for the movement in the pose.
Btw, that one right upper arm of the stretching model on the bottom right really feels like you felt its gesture while drawing it!
Hope you'll find this useful and applicable!
Have fun drawing and all the best