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drawing something or someone can be the result of the ambient?.... i mean... music, even our feelings can affect the art? can we draw a happy scene even if we are sad? what do you do in those moments?
Lig ma
Thing is, whatever we're feeling, once you're drawing, will slip out onto the page. So if you're feeling sad, but wanna make something happy, chances are that once you're comfortable in mind, body and space i.e. when you're safe and can be vulnerable in the space around you, your true feelings will let slip. And that's the fun part about it. You don't expect what you're gonna draw, until it's already out on the page, with your face flushed when you see all the embarrassing things you drew at that moment. Feels threatening, but when you're safe, it will be delightful. My advice, at that moment, you need to process those feelings so give yourself a break, a respite. Take some time out to process what you're feeling. Maybe try giving form to your feelings ? What color is my feelings? What linework best expresses my feelings? And how would my feelings look like if it was a character ? Give voice to your feelings. Then if you wanna go deeper, you can ask yourself : "How did I come to feel this way ? what was the situation that resulted in me feeling this way? Was it a breakup? Betrayal of trust? Did someone die ?" And all in a kind, non-judgmental manner, if possible. Hope this helps. ✌🏽
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