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Thomas Sperl
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My assignment submission :) had lot of fun espacially on the Tetris blocks even tho i first thought thats to much work imma skip it to get faster to the object painting till i realised tetris blocks are also objects lol :D
Thomas Sperl
so what i understand from your post is that you want to get good an make amazing splash art or concept art like some of the great artists you admire , but you dont want to waste time on finding out how you get there and on things you might not use.. so you just want to learn whats neccessary to get some great art pieces.
The simple answer on your questions like for example with the pencil is try out for your self and get a feeling for what works best for you...
In Art there is no 1 way to do smth, everybody learns different and works different.. there are probably more ways to achieve a great splash art then there are people teaching you to do so.
For the Construction Question and the Reference thing.... Its no ways of time to learn the lumis method and learn constructing, becouse you will still use reference, most great artists rely on both their ability to construct and to use multiple references to achieve their vision. If you only use refernece it will get very hard for you to paint or draw smth pure from imagination.. u have to learn to understand the construction of basicly everything and how to use multiple refernces without relying on them to be 1 to 1 what you want to draw.. its a trip, a journy dont try to rush art to get to smth, try to find joy in learning different techniques and after working for a few years you start figuring out whats the best way for YOU to make epic splash arts etc..
Try to make courses from people you admire and try to do so as they say you will autimaticly pic the habits you want to do for your work process, you can learn from nearly anything.
sry for my bad english not my main language..
hope this helped you a little bit
Not really doing splash art, that was just the first thing that popped into my head for a comparison between a painting and comic art of the same subject matter.
Quick isn’t what I’m looking for, I just keep getting bogged down in the tools because I can’t figure out what I’m supposed to do with them and their exact purpose. This keeps leading to wasted time repeatedly drawing circles and the exact same box over and over with no rhyme or reason behind it.
I'm also not trying to skip steps in the learning process, just trying to figure out where to focus my attention and cut out the unnecessary parts. Why would I learn how to blend graphite from 2H through 8B for a perfect tonal shift if I’m just going to turn around and paint over it. Same goes for line quality if I’m the only one who is ever going to see it.
Thomas Sperl
question here. isnt magenta warmer then cyan ? so wouldnt you normally make the shadow site of blue shift more to cyan and the light side shift more towards magenta ? just curious here