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added comment inMarco Bucci AMA - Concept Art and Illustration
Hi, Marco! I really enjoy your light-hearted illustrations that alway manage to retain a controlled kind of chaos, it makes me feel nostalgic about my childhood!! Is there any specific thing/event/memory or person that has inspired, influenced, and/or helped shape what your current art style is today? Any specific movies, media, or otherwise anything else that comes to mind?
Thank you, Tobyh - that is high praise indeed, as that is exactly what I want to capture in my art!
I honestly don't think there is a specific memory/event/person that I draw upon. It's just the broad feeling of nostalgia and the innocence of being a kid. It informs the way I work, from the subject matter I tackle to the physical way I move my hand and create brush marks on the canvas.
Other artists have inspired my aesthetics too, of course, and I've done so many studies over the years. Ultimately those studies lend insight as to what other artists prioritize, and allow me to then reflect on that and ultimately decide on where *I* want to put those things in priority.
In terms of movies/media that directly inspired me to pursue this path: the MYST series was absolutely huge for me. Not sure I'd be an artist without them giving me an early jolt of heavy inspiration. RIVEN is my favorite game of all time, to this day. I think it's still fantastic, and holds up despite its technical limitations. Also Toy Story was huge for me, as were a lot of the mid-90s Disney movies.
QUESTION: hi, I was recently accepted into art school (MASSART) and was wondering if you had any tips navigating the academic side of the art world, or any tips about careers during/ after college, especially focusing on horror illustrations? (as horror artwork tends not to get featured as much due to censorship.) have a wonderful day, thank you for all your amazing artwork, goodbye!!
I don't have much experience with the mainstream academia of art. I received my degree in graphic design, which is technically a Bachelors of Science. I am a firm believer that you get out of a school what you put into it, but also that the university system is not designed to teach craft or trade. As far as career path, I'm a big believer in experience and initiative. Find someone successful at your dream job and ask them how they got there.
Even though I'm kinda known as "the horror guy" I don't necessarily think of my self that way. That being said I like to push mood and atmospherics in my work, and am certainly a horror fan. My big secret is that I painted samples of the type of work I wanted to do, then showed it to anyone that would look (conventions, mailers, art drops, strangers on the street... everyone) slowly the work started finding me. I would strongly recommend going to conventions that focus on your chosen genre, nothing replaces facetime.