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added comment inMannequinization – Structure of the Human Body
Any feedback would be appreciated.
After looking at other peoples robo beans I realize I added way to much unnecessary stuff. I also probably should have found more varied reference.
And proportions seem pretty bad.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
I think this is great! don't sell yourself short. I don't think the details you added were unnecessary, The head was a nice addition and it just shows that you're enjoying what you're doing by going above and beyond what was originally assigned. I know this is a really old comment, but keep up the good work! :)
Asked for help
I'm not sure what to write here but here's my practice that I forgot to upload.
A lot of the reference images I used had clothes in them which was probably a mistake.
Hi thehueman, using clothed figures is not a mistake, it simply can often make it more difficult to spot landmarks and create a bit of a problem at first but with experience it is not a problem at all.
So, let's say you've got the gesture broadly right, Some figures like the man balancing on his hands and the woman hanging from the rope are quite correct.
The main problem (which is very common in the beginning, so nothing to worry too much about, we've all done it!) is that you get a bit too distracted by the shape in spite of the movement.
Try drawing using only C S I line and using as few of them as possible.
The gesture is a synthesis of the body based on its movement we can say.
Identify the body posture by the action line which is the main line of movement and which affects most of the body: a single C or S line which may also include a leg, an arm or both.
Try to draw it with one fluid movement, already with this you will be able to guess the disequilibrium and movement.
On it, identify the position of the shoulders and pelvis (very important) and their inclination and position in space. Even if they are very foreshortened, the lines of the pelvis and shoulders are fundamental and you must always mark them in order to have a good reference for drawing arms and legs.
Arms and legs can be represented with simple curved lines, sometimes sharing the same movement.
For example in a dance step you may be able to draw both arms in a single mark.
Look for fluidity in the lines, remembering that the body is a whole that moves harmoniously.
In the beginning, only worry about mastering this synthesis in short poses; you will begin to define the shapes in longer poses later on. :)
what are the very first steps an absolute beginner should take to start learning how to draw human figures?
In addition to what Stan said, I would suggest that you carry your sketchbook out to places filled with people. Draw them. I spent many lunch hours while in school and after simply drawing students waiting in line for food. You will learn a great deal about how people shift their weight from one food to another. That's really the foundation of any convincing pose.