Ta Na Moo
My name is Ta Na and I am a beginner artist trying to learn the fundamentals of drawings especially perspective and form.
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Ta Na Moo
added comment inProko Challenge Animorph an Influencer - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Hi everyone here is my submission. A bit late but hope you guys enjoy it
Asked for help
Hi everyone, thankyou for all for giving me feedback on my last post. I now ask help for the bean drawings. I have attempted this for a couple of days and I am still confused on some of the concept like twisting the torso. I am also confused about where to place the centre line sometimes. I thought this exercise would be really simple, but boy was I wrong. Anyways I just wanted to thankyous again for the feedback and hopefully help with this one too.
Ta Na Moo
Asked for help
hi everyone, this is me rewatching gesture and trying it again. Any feedback would help. I have been practicing gesture for a while now and I just wanted to know if I should move on to the bean. Like what should my next step be.
Asked for help
Here are some more simple gesture drawings, done without reference. Critique and advice are welcome as always.
Ta Na Moo
Asked for help
Hi everyone, this is my gesture drawing attempt. Any feed back would be good but if you can help me with simplifying the motion of a straight leg, that would be awesome.