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Materials for beginner on Figure Drawing Fundamental CourseI'm a very beginner artist. I started doing Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain mid august and got through the chapter on Perspective before getting side tracked by doing Inktober (with graphite pencils, not ink).
I have two sketch pads already, one is a [cheap Bazic brand]( 6"x8" sketchpad i got 6 years ago when i first wanted to learn to draw but gave up relatively quickly, and the other is a nicer 11"x14" [Strathmore 400 Fine Tooth sketch pad](
I used the smaller one for all my inktober drawings and a few turned out really well in my opinion. Most of the work i did for inktober was less than stellar, but i've attached my very best. My goal with doing inktober instead of finishing the DotRSotB book was to get myself to draw more I was finding myself too intimidated to do the exercises in the DotRSotB as there are only a handful each chapter and I wanted every one to be good.
I still plan to finish the DotRSotB book (only a couple chapters left), but after i do that I want to start Proko's Figure Drawing Fundamentals and i've been watching a few and noticed that he uses charcoal pencils for everything. I have seen the video on drawing [supplies he uses in his videos]( but I noticed its placed in the "shading" section of the Figure Drawing Fundamentals course which is nearly at the end, and the course just jumps straight into Gesture without Intro to guide noobies on what to get to start the course.
So far i've only drawn with the following supplies:
- 4H, 2H, HB, B, 2B, 4B, 6B Graphite pencils (Royal & Langnickel brand)
- Smudging stick (which is apparently different than a tortillon as i recently learned)
- Faber-Castell Kneeded Eraser
- Mars plastic eraser
The drawing kit i have has three charcoal pencils in it labeled "soft", "medium", and "hard". I've tried to use them briefly on the cheap sketchpad (the small Bazic one, not the strathmore pad) and i found them super rough to use, quite literally it felt scratchy and rough when i laid down charcoal and even more rough when i attempted to smudge the charcoal with the smudging stick (which did not go well). I'm not sure if charcoal is just more difficult to smudge and use than graphite or if the pencils are bad quality, suffer from old age or maybe moisture from the air (not sure if this is a real problem), or i'm using the wrong type of paper with them.
I wouldn't mind having some more art supplies, and especially if buying the right supplies would help start me off on the best foot for the figure drawing course. I also noticed he has a video about more [supplies he uses for longer drawings](, should I just get the nice mechanical lead holders?
So what materials should the "ideal" beginner using the figure drawing course get started with? Should i just buy everything in the video on supplies? He doesn't mention specific brands for a lot of stuff.
Also is the figure drawing course mostly just small practice exercises? I don't see a lot of long drawings except for the very end?
I'm also confused how people decide between graphite and charcoal, if people have tips for that; which is better for figure drawing fundamentals?
Attached are some photos of drawings I did during Inktober, all graphite on cheapo sketchpad, any critique welcome! These were all done in October just after having completed chapter 8 of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, beyond that I haven't had any other drawing instruction (formal or informal) so obviously these pieces aren't the best but i'm proud of them.