Sydnie Corey
Provo, Utah
Architectural Designer |Graphic Designer | 3D Artist | Just trying to get better at art everyday.
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Sydnie Corey
added comment inEnvironment Concept Art
Hi! I love seeing environment concepts, and this is very unique! My first thoughts are that the background hills seem a little bit too uniform in size, shape, and height, so it's not translating in my brain as very organic. Maybe create some more contrast by playing with gradation in heights, and some sharper angles on some of the hills? Try asking, "what's the story behind this landscape?" Meaning, not what's happening IN the landscape, but rather what has happened TO the landscape over history.
Something like an erupted volcano shape that has the cone blown off but with lava dripping down the sides, only this is very green and jungle-esque, with water spilling out?? Just some ideas! Love the direction, love the color palette. Very serene. Maybe add some complementary colors in there as well to help make it feel less flat.
Good luck!
Atharva Lotake
Thank you so much for the feedback. I really appreciate it!
Sydnie Corey
Hi! This design is giving me serious Trollhunters vibes, if you're familiar with the series at all. Love the concept. As far as the drawings go, my understanding is that Minotaurs tend to be strong but not stocky. He feels a bit dwarf-like in his proportions, where his bottom half can't withstand the weight of his top half. However, this could be a stylized choice, and if that's the case, then I would definitely beef up the muscular structure on the bottom half to reflect the weight distribution. If not, then he just needs to be a bit taller. Stretch him out so that his top and bottom halves translate a little more for a towering beast; less squat. Overall, super interesting! Loving the idea. Hopefully that was helpful! Good luck!
First, I love Trollhunters and everything I've watched by Guillermo Del Toro. Second, the stockiness is a good point. It was intentional that his upper body be over-sized due to the mutations and growths caused by the crystal, but I also didn't want him to appear like he struggles with the weight of his arm. That in mind, I'll definitely play with some bigger, stronger legs. Thanks!