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added comment inPotion 2 - Conjuring Eggs
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Sara G
These are amazing; they're so fluid and 3-dimensional!
Sara G
I'm a wrist-heavy artist by nature; my arm practically never moves. I found the tool handling exercises very freeing and eventually more controlled. I think I got frustrated by the charcoal material at first but found my rhythm. I'm looking forward to doing these exercises later until they're second-nature!
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2024/10/2. Good morning everybody. I've finished the course "Fantasy Figure Drawing Wizardry" by @Patrick Jones. Drawing along with Patrick listening his comments, stories and advices has a great experience. If you are a fantasy art fan you can't miss it. In the same time I started to study from his "The Anatomy of Style 2" after I spent almost a year copying his "The Anatomy of Style Revisited" during 2022/2023. Now there's no section for assignment so since the course is about figure drawing I hope you don't mind if I post here my "homework". Thanks for any comment or critique.
These are gorgeous! Your minimal shading adds just enough without it going overboard, and your figures are so fluid.