Samuel Cusick-Riley
Samuel Cusick-Riley
Activity Feed
I really didn't want to post this, but I am trying to become more comfortable embracing my mistakes, and being less of a perfectionist. As I said in a prior post, this exercise is one that's difficult for me. I love that Stan has given me the opportunity to "just try things out" and to look at my mistakes and be like "oh, I did some things that could be better, but It also looks kind of like a thing". Anyways, feedback is welcome. I plan on doing this one in particular again, hands are trickier than I thought!
Samuel Cusick-Riley
Hi, I used to have this anxiety about drawing hands. I hated it, and drawing them was such a horrible experience. I watched a YouTube video about how you just shouldn’t care—like, who cares if my hands look bad or whatever? So, I just drew like 100–200 hands without caring about what they looked like, seriously spending maybe a minute or less, sometimes 30 seconds, on a hand, not even looking at the paper as I drew. After doing that for about 2 hours, all my anxiety about drawing hands was gone, and I was much better at drawing in general. Try drawing 200 hands and put in literally no effort it will loosen you up, and trust me, you will improve :) I will post some photos to show you hands I drew on the same day.
Vue Thao
Asked for help
Two days ago, I bought woodless graphite pencils. I wanted to try these types of pencils for the first time. I guess these are for sketching instead of rendering. lol
Samuel Cusick-Riley
It looks textured, kind of like pointillism. Is that just the texture of the paper coming through?
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