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Jesse Tinajero
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Dear Community, Proko and Friends, My name is Jesse I am an older person in my my 50
s I have always had a knack for drawing but have never been financially able to go to art school, so I depend on online tutorials. My skills are lacking, I dont know about shadowing but I do know how to draw with a reference and as a high schooler I was very good at it. I did take some high school art classes but at the time art was never really a profession that had very many dedicated art professionals to teach like there are today. So I learned what they felt like teaching. I have always loved drawing the human body but dont know where to start either with Prokos Anatomy course or the human figure course, can anyone share there expertise with me as to what I should begin with first. I would really like to learn how to be a good anatomist before I get too much older and the pencil becomes to heavy to hold up. I do know medical anatomy very well having been a respiratory therapist for 25 years, and a professional T-shirt airbrush artist for over 30 years. please share your thoughts.
Thank you Jesse from El Paso, TX.
Rob Rodriguez
Same here. So what did you end up studying first? What would you recommend now?