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Bryan Del Rio
Asked for help
Well after keeping in mind the feedback I got I tried fixing my errors. For the second model I did two versions not sure which is more accurate and I definitely feel I'm having trouble getting the perspective right on the pelvis. I would really appreciate some criticism 🙂
Bryan Del Rio
I really appreciate some criticism before continuing my second set of practice I'm sure there's much to improve on
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @Bryan Del Rio, I think you've done a good job! Good structure! I'll do my best to help you further: - 2nd image, bottom right, I think the thoracic arch is a little small - 2nd image, top right, I think the perspective convergence is off. If we were looking at the ribcage from the left, the lines would converge the way they do in your drawing, but since we're looking at it nearly straight from the front they should be more parallell - I personally like to indicate the thoracic part of the spine as well, when studying the ribcage. It's a c-curve tucked into the back of the ribcage. - You seem to make the distance between the ribcage and pelvis too long. Indicating the spine can help with that. Another thing that helped me keep the distance in check was to practice the robo bean with a connection of decided length, between the two boxes, as seen in the lesson video at 04:57 To get a feel for the distance you can try drawing a couple of robo beans from imagination with the connection included I hope this helps :)
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