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added comment inHow to Draw Gesture – Step by Step
Asked for help
These are 30s homework, I do not know how to progress, 2min homework, I always used to pay attention to the outline, otherwise I can not draw the curve of the body, hope someone can give me some advice
Reuben Villaronga
you will progress over time even if you don't think your progressing, you just got to keep showing up to draw a little everyday, you'll want to always be doing these though out the course not just a few and then you done. your 30 sec ones are great! i can see the motion in each pose, that is the ultimate goal. id say instead of following the out line figure out the motion of the limbs as a whole, if you need you can give your self more time to analyze the pose before drawing, but treat it like a 30 second pose. Keep it up!