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Eric T
added comment inSecrets of Shading
I had recently found your course on gumroad and am extremely happy I did, It will serve as an excellent resource.
Wonderful examples, teaching style, technique excellent, content well thought out and practical with logical progression. I greatly appreciate your effort.
p.s. Yourself, Ahmed, Stan and Marshall, have all been instrumental in rekindling my passion for art, so I can't thank you enough.
That is great to hear, thank you for the kind words and I'm honored to have played a small part in the rekindling of your art.
Eric T
A smorgasbord of doodles to reinvigorate my passions for art. I have not sat and drawn on skills developed over so many long, arduous years since ...2011... 10 years since my last inspiration and desire to engulf myself in the creative processes. In those years I turned to carpentry and woodworking predominantly for profession and subsequently for hobby and enjoyment which I did, indeed enjoy, but never did I put point to paper for the want of creation and enjoyment. With a change of career and the onset of medical decline my construction days are numbered. I have in the recent year taken up Real estate as my new profession which has afforded me the opportunity and time to rekindle my passions and pursue new avenues of expression.