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Eugene Foo
added comment inProko Challenge Odd Bots - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Hi, this is my entry - which, I think is quite self explanatory. :) It's supposed to assist farmers is sowing crops, and tries as much to be environmentally friendly, using solar-powered energy, and even gravity to help funnel seeds from its elevated "backside" down into the front. Talk about pooping "backwards". Also, a little straw hat just to give it that Southeast Asian vibe.... cause you know, it's where I'm from. HAHA. Hope you likey!
Hi. After one week of sketching and thinking I got disappointed by spending time and do nothing. Because I really trying hard to have a consistent practicing discipline but such exciting events breaking focus, I was in a complicated situation. So I decided to start my routine boring practice program. It was so though to focus and accepting that, as a beginner artist (I mean in a professional way) I can't participate in this challenge. This was the first time I got aware of proko monthly challenge but the cool thing about this first time is that I love to draw robots (aside monsters) and yeah, after two days of doing my so inefficient routine, I tried to sktech some color bots at late night. I think late night has a magical inspiring spirit you can swallow and, bom!
one of the shapes that I drew was really cool. Actually it is nested in this piece you looking. So I started to carve , add and playing with, keeping in mind the annoying perspective stuff and made a bot. The process of making 2d shapes and looking at them as mechanical parts was so fun. But when I wanted to fit those shapes in the proper 3d forms (which still have some flaws), cool shapes turned into boring cold mechs. It was such a challenge actually. But now I hope you guys like it, and have fun!
Thanks for the opportunity, This is my final submission STEAMER 6-C.