Activity Feed
Erick Rodriguez
I've been working steadily to produce clean results with as few strokes as possible per Marshall and Stan. The main objective for me is producing clean lines by using fluidity to create a sense of motion/flow. These results were generated from using a combination of stroke techniques (wrist + elbow + shoulder) while relaxing my shoulder and maintaining a steady inhale/exhale cadence. I'll have to start anew once I start addressing twisting and foreshortening because I thought they are the more challenging perspectives for me.
Hello Maldives, I think you are off to a good start! I agree with Bradwynn about the overlapping in your examples, its hard to identify where the torso and hips are. But I don't necessarily think you should be focusing on line until the very end where you have practiced and practiced and have a good grip on the gestures. I would try exaggerating the poses even more from what you have shown. In the second drawing I can see that it could be exaggerated a lot more. I wouldn't worry about how many lines you can slim the drawing down too, I would just be wild and worry more about capturing the gesture! I thought the example of how Disney would make a flour sack have life and gesture was great. Think how much more with the human body! Worry about capturing the life in your drawings! Hope this helps!
I apologize for the bad lighting! These are my first attempts at the bean method. You can see I started out stiff on the Tilt portion, but then loosened up. These were done in step with the video so they are a little messy in line quality. I struggled with the twisting. Do my drawings exemplify the previous lesson on gesture? Or did I fail to show it? Let me know your thoughts! Thank you!
I do agree that you loosened up as you went through the drawings, but I don’t think you loosened up enough. I suggest that you draw larger (and do some the entire size of the page). This will force you to loosen up even more as long as you go quickly.  I think your struggle with twisting stems mostly from your lack of practice with perspective because you’re inherently adding more of the z axis, which means you have to think in both three dimensions and about gesture (which is difficult). The same goes for your foreshadowing. In some of the beans it’s quite difficult to tell how the beans are oriented. I’d say don’t worry about perspective for right this instant, that’s a different beast you need to tackle.  I suggest that you do more beans not in time with the video: take your time. Do some studies of Stan’s drawings themselves completely detached from the models. Then try more beans using the models, but don’t focus on accuracy of the models but on the accuracy of the marks you’ve got down (AKA make good bean drawings even if it’s not technically correct according to the image).
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