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added comment inSome studies I did and I'm confused
Maybe for these types of studies you could try to focus on improving one thing in particular, like pushing the gesture, proportion, mannequinization, specific parts of anatomy, etc. If it’s a quick sketch study it shouldn’t take as long as something like a project. I think focusing on specific things you’d like to improve on and having a goal could help you find direction in these studies. Hope this helps!

Focusing on one thing at a time sounds good cus it does get overwhelming :( thank you for your feedback!
I guess a study should be a quick drawing in the direction you're aiming. I really like your mannequins, although I'm not sure you have the angle of the chest quite right in the supine one. I think when you worked on the fleshy ones you lost some of the big areas of mass from your mannequins a bit, and maybe the proportions aren't quite right, but I think it's just down to practice. I would maybe try a few versions from each reference. A quick gesture, a mannequin and then a fleshy one. Figure out the differences, see what you like, and then a final drawing with all the bits you like together.
I did some studies for a week. I started with the ball jointed doll mannequin looking thing, trying to break down figures into simpler shapes. While recently I tried to flesh it out a teeny bit, keeping in mind the anatomy a little more. But I'm just confused, am I approaching studies right? I never did studies before so I'm very lost :( Any feed back will be helpful thanks! ^^