Lynx B.
Lynx B.
Activity Feed
Lynx B.
I watched the trial lesson and drew along using my drawing tablet. It is very fun! I love shading!
Garry Gray
Amazing shading! I am strongly considering this course! I want to improve my creature drawings. Shading wise mostly.
Adriel Lazarus
That is amazing! I have never shaded anything like this before. I am going to give this course a try nonetheless!
Steven Zapata
Rubén Frutos
Hey Lynx! I think that pose exaggeration is always a great exercise, however, I think that you are maybe lacking on something essential. When we exaggerate we do it with a purpose, what is it that you want to reinforce: is it the attitude? maybe the action of the scene? Thinking in this terms will help you achieve a more believable exaggeration imo. Also, be careful with the balance of the figures. The left figure seems like she's about to fall down. Try to always imagine the character in a sepecific situation, that will help. Other than that, pretty good job with your mannequins. Proportions work pretty well! I hope this was helpful
Lynx B.
Thank you for your advice! I would love to draw figures in dynamic poses doing certain stuff, but I am not so comfortable with gestures yet. Drawing interesting and meaningful scenes will be my next stage!
Lynx B.
Lynx B.
added a new topic
Figure drawing exaggeration
Is there any thing off?
Yiming Wu
these are looking cool! has a comic vibe to it!
Lynx B.
Thank you! That's my goal!
Lynx B.
Lynx B.
added a new topic
Figure drawing exaggeration
I practiced exaggeration. Do they look convincing? I feel the chest/shoulder area of the figure on the far right is a bit off. Please help!
Lynx B.
It is such a good activity! Now I feel I can invent poses without copying references. Please let me know if I've made structural mistakes. The shoulder area still confuses me.
João Bogo
Structurally it makes sense. Both look solid, but be mindful of the limit of the limits of the human body. The exaggerated first one is almost breaking her spine. I wouldn't say that's totally impossible but it would be done by a very flexible woman and it doesn't look confortable. Also, Pay attention to the balance of the pose. In the first drawing it looks that she's falling, or being pushed by the belly while her arms and legs are fixed. Second one looks balanced. Good Job. Another thing is that is both exaggerated versions you actually lenghten your characters. Both are taller. Next time try to keep the volumes constant. Overall very good, keep drawing Best Regards
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