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added comment inHow to Draw Gesture – Step by Step
hello! i think ive made some progress on gesture/figure drawing. Any advice would be appreciated. I forgot to take a picture of one of the references
Juan Manuel Duarte Pallavicini
You are concentrating too much on delimiting the figure and drawing the contour rather than catching the sens of movement and fluidity with big, long and loose lines, and the addition of shadow only increases the errors. You should grasp the movement and overall flow of the figure, not make a pretty drawing.
Take Glenn Vilppu as an example and pay close attention to how he describes his own process wile executing:
He goes both AROUND and WITH the form, takes particular care on the SENS of flow rather than enclosing and delimiting the figure, instead he leaves spaces open and features undefined, since those distract rather than help with the portrait of flow.
Btw, if you are having trouble using long and very precise lines to define the gesture like Stan does, try a more Vilppu, messy, approach. With time you can try to reduce the amount of lines you use and increase the speed of execution.
I hope all this information is of use to you. Good luck with process!
hello! i would love some advice on my gesture. I struggle a lot with my lines being messy
I strongly recommend watching the “FORCE Fridays” live streams on YouTube, by Michael Mattesi. Watching them has really helped me better understand how to use gesture drawing. They have made like 94 of them so far, and they are great stuff. You will learn a lot if you watch them and practice. His way of doing gesture makes more sense to me than other ways that I have seen, so maybe it will help you too. I still think that learning how different artist handle doing gesture, and then finding what works for you, which might be some hybrid of different methods, is the best way to go about it.
The gesture I think you captured in most of these( no 1 and no 2 especially good),on the topic of chicken scratch,have you tried ghosting the line before putting it down?