Charmaye Mellorin
Charmaye Mellorin
Just some kid trying to learn her fundamentals
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Hi Charmaye, yep you’re right, with oil based (non drying) clays you can re-use the clay. -Just pick the clay off the armature and start again or continue working on the piece and transform it into something different :) (May need to warm the clay with something like a hairdryer if it’s particularly thick and hard to remove) With a clay like Chavant nsp/Monster clay…you can in theory have a piece on the shelf and come back to it a year later and keep working on it….(cover from dust though). Polymer clays like Sculpey/Fimo are workable till they are oven baked to ‘set’, so are reusable, but unbaked they will dry out over long periods and start to crack ( like months not weeks). Dry and crumbly clay can be nursed back to health with some conditioning. Sculpey has a product for this ‘clay softener’, in a pinch I’ve had success with baby oil and lots of kneading. Air dry ‘pottery style’ clays (water based) can be reworkable if kept moist, wrapped in plastic between work sessions, however I reckon feels best fresh out the packet. Hope that helps, have fun sculpting!
Charmaye Mellorin
Thank you so much, this is really helpful!
Charmaye Mellorin
added a new topic
Hi! I'm interested in getting into sculpting soon and there's just one thing I'm curious about -- what do you guys do with your gesture studies? Is it possible to reuse the clay and armatures from your studies? This is probably a very obvious question but I honestly have no clue about any of this stuff so I'd really appreciate an answer!
Charmaye Mellorin
Hi, I've been following Proko's anatomy course and I just finished the torso part. I decided to do a quick review of the muscles before I move on and I was hoping to get feedback on it! I'm still planning to do further reviews by incorporating figure drawing, but I wanna make sure I got the muscle placements right first. Would really appreciate any help!
Charmaye Mellorin
Hi everyone! As the title suggests, I'm looking for ways I can practice my pencil grip, specifically an overhand grip. I've been trying to do gesture drawings with an overhand grip but it's hard for me to control my lines. My drawings always get messy and I feel like I don't have good control over the lines I am putting on paper. I get better results when I'm doing a tripod grip since I'm used to it and have better control. Are there any exercises I could do to improve controlling my overhand grip?
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