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Lukáš Vašut
added comment inJeremy Cranford AMA & Portfolio Review
Asked for help
Hello Jeremy,
I hope I'm not too late. My name is Lukas and I would love to work freelance as an illustrator doing art for card games such as MtG and many others. My biggest problem is finding work. I only did one commission so far.
If you could please point out something I could get better at my work and maybe how should I approach clients when it comes to applying for a job. I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you for your time,

Jeremy Cranford
Hi Lukas! You are one your way. I'd encourage you to work more on different material rendering and make sure you have a variety of edges to your figures. Think about where to put Hard edges, firm, soft, and lost edges). Right now you have the same HARD edge all around the character silhouette. Once you feel you work is at the same level as the current level of art in the m:tg card game email your portfolio to:
Kelly Ramirez
I especially like your 5th image with the wolves! The composition and storytelling is what spoke strongest to me. I'm no professional by any means, still in the student phase, so I'm just rephrasing what I've heard before: "One way to attract clients is to create work as if you are already working for the client of your dreams/ doing the work of your dreams." I've seen people start small independent projects they can get a following from, and this is the perfect time to start creating a zine, small artbook, or card deck and prints to have ready for when conventions open up again. I highly recommend listening to Bobby Chui's The Perfect Bait audiobook, free on youtube!