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Lemardo Gonzalez Fuentes
added comment inMannequinization Assignment Examples - Front View

Lemardo Gonzalez Fuentes
hi, if anyone could give me hand here, I am struggling connecting the shoulder to the arms. And the part of the knee to the calves, I believe Stand says, we can choose what to do when doing the gesture part, i tried oval shape for upper part but for some reason I always ended up going with robobeans, I think thats why they look too square shape on the shoulder part, i can not draw an oval even if my life depended on it. So I always start gesture sort of robo-bean, but they look to square to me, if anyone can give me some advice, thank you
I have a question, how do I make the connection from the bean to robo-bean? I am trying to draw the bean and from there get the version of robo bean but in the videos Stan goes Straight to the robo bean skipping the bean, or so i think, can someone explain me how to understand transition from the bean to robo bean?
Check out the critique video at the end of the section ! Marshall explains quite well how to go from ovoids to boxes, it helped me a lot.