klara brumnik
i want to learn all the basic things in art to make better art.
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Daniel Lykke
added comment inHow to Draw an Eye – Step by Step
I struggle a bit to find the right proportions and ankles of the plans of the eyes, and I am not sure if I put enough darkness in my shadows 😅 maybe I just have to Measure some more, do any of you guys have some feedback for me, i’m really enjoying the course and the learning a lot😊

Lynn Hann
Daniel Lykke
20 in total
GB Ward
Yeah. You're under the artists' curse here. How do you keep the drawings from rubbing on the other page? That bugs me to no end, by the time I finish a sketch book my early drawings are all smudged
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Daniel, really very good work. You already seem to have good feel for the 3-dimensional qualities of the planes and form of and around the eyes.
Asked for help
I had an attempt at the tentacle and then drawing my own. I got carried away and went way too big for my first go. I made a lot of mistakes along the way but it was fun to see it come together.
Tobias Höglund
Asked for help
I kept doing some more Loomis heads with the feedback I got in mind. Feature lines aligned, more "boxy" etc.
Did I manage to put your suggestions into practice @Jesper Axelsson ?
Hi Tobias! Yes definitely! Good job! These feel more solid!
A few things:
Placing circles in perspective is difficult. There are three things that has to be correct: The ellipse structure, the angle and the width.
A circle tilted back into space forms an ellipse. It's symmetrical and formed by 4 equal pieces and it's round. Watch out for making it pointy, like a fish.
The angle
Like I pointed out last time, it's important that the ellipse is perpendicular to the brow line; the minor axis aligning with the brow line.
The width
The width of the ellipse tells how much the circle is angled away. In #45 I would make the ellipse a little wider.
This is tricky to get right. When you study perspective you´ll learn how to get it exact by placing the circle in a square. But for now I would recommend just to be a little more aware of the ellipse width. Ask yourself whether you think it looks weird in the context or not. If you continue doing that you'll eventually build an intuition for what looks right, without having to get that technical.
This angle is hard! You made a good attempt! But the jaw area looks a little squished. Drawing through the form, lightly marking what's on the invisible side is really helpful.
I´m being picky... Like I said in the beginning, these are good! But I hope this helps push you further! :)
PS. ( Note that the cross on the ellipse (blue & red lines) are not the same as the cross you draw on the side of the head. This cross is used for constructing the ellipse, it doesn't mark the center of the circle the ellipse represents.)