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Kirk Hodges
added comment inLightbox 2021 Portfolio Reviews
Asked for help
Hi I’m a storyboard artist, and not to inundate you with a bunch of panels—here’s some samples of my work. Any feedback is appreciated.
Hi Kirk,
Great stuff so far! I'm not a storyboard expert, but I am just as much of an enthusiast for the craft as the next guy :D
What I think will help you elevate your storyboards (on a technical level) is getting better acquainted with lenses and how they are used in cinematography.
A DP (director of photography) primarily uses lighting, composition and lenses at his/her disposal to move the story forward and evoke emotion with the audience, or hint at the next sequence. Lenses are a very powerful tool to understand and they have a direct correlation with perspective. So if you master this aspect, you will elevate your storyboards to a much higher degree.
Right now your SB's seem to utilize a very limited amount of compositional options and use of camera angles/lenses.
Just like gesture drawing, a great storyboard tends to "exaggerate" what is possible from a camera POV and then the DP can try to evoke the same effect with whatever tools are at their disposal.