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Jenner Chen
added comment inLightbox 2021 Portfolio Reviews
Asked for help
Hi! My name is Jenner, 23, a freelance illustrator from NYC. I really love storytelling through art and geared my portfolio towards a splash art style. I am currently working on a card game project, and my end goal is to be an illustrator working for video games.
Recently I started branching out to different parts of Illustration (environment, prop, key) and I am enjoying the diversity. I am not too sure if it helps with the coherence of my portfolio to have different focuses, so would love to hear some advice on that front!
My portfolio:
very nice 👌😉
Xavier Stout
Awesome work! The one with the turtle-like creature and serpent playing the instrument is really interesting.
Jenner Chen
Asked for help
Hi! My name is Jenner, 23, a freelance illustrator based in NY. I am currently working on a card game, and my objective is to be a video game illustrator. (Sorry if it double posted)
My portfolio is geared towards splash illustration. I have recently been branching out to different parts of illustration (environment, prop, key), and am enjoying the diversity and storytelling. I would love to hear some advice on that, and how to keep the portfolio current but also consistent and coherent.
Thank you for taking time out to do this! Would love any type of feedback - general thoughts, things to work on, etc.
Hi Jenner! I see you've taken to heart some of the elements that make for a genuine splash art (such as dynamism, color harmonies, vibrant & unique character designs). The kind of work you've shared here feels right at home in a video game setting.
I think the next boost of quality in your work will come from digging back into the illustration fundamentals. Your work is very close to reaching that supreme splash art level, but what is holding it back is your execution of illustration building-blocks like perspective, values, and anatomy. While it's not glamourous, this is something that must be addressed. I've had to learn myself that you can render and color something like crazy, but if the placement of the eyes on a character are misaligned or your background feels like it's at a different angle from the character in the scene, the illustration falls apart. I can go on with plenty more examples like this, however, hopefully the feedback I've given can at least point you in the right direction for your next level up in your journey.