K La Truli
K La Truli
Washington DC
A flight attendant for work and an artist at heart. I'm hanging out with Proko and the gang to improve my brushwork :)
Activity Feed
Pamela D
Asked for help
I found the atmospheric scenes were the easiest to do and in keeping to the 15mins timings, I also like the way they turned out. The last one of the girl and child took me longer in finding the colours/values and I kept fiddling with it. Did anyone else feel the same?
K La Truli
AMAZING!! Well done! Your practice comes with the sense that you had a lot of fun.
After this rich journey with Patrick, I have now created my own fantasy figure. As I drew, the story took shape, which is another new fantastic approach I learned in this course. Once again my warmest thanks @Patrick Jones and thanks to @Proko for those amazing Reference bundles Dumped in the mud and castaway, A young girl finds herself discovering, What wonderful powers she was covering - A delicate creature but she could array Her beautiful wings, as if to say "A soiled body and a broken mind, Cannot cause injury enough to grind, A woman's spirit and her dragon heart - They give me wings so that I may Soar high and fly far far away" my dearest niece Maia Helmbold has expressed my story so wonderfully in these lyrics
K La Truli
ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL Klaibee! Just breath-taking.
Asked for help
Extra shapes for week 1, painting tennis balls was stressful😁
K La Truli
Each one looks so realistic! I absolutely LOVE the last two. The reflection of the trees on the red sphere is spetacular.
K La Truli
YAY!!! I'm sooooo happy to see Jeremy here on Proko. I began following his YT channel early last year. Instantly feel in love with his videos and way of teaching.
Sean Ramsey
That's awesome! Yeah he's great and knows so much. We're really glad he joined in to help with the course!
Honest attempt drawing this not too fast or slow but just right.
K La Truli
Great job! It does look like you took your time. The definition is awesome, especially on the teeth.
Sketches made from video.
K La Truli
Gosh! Those are beautiful!! Amazing job!
FInally finished another 10 of them. The alpaca, tiger, hyena and african wild dog were the ones that ended up looking the best out of all my attempts in my opinion. In order: 1. Cat 2. Alpaca 3. Raccoon 4. Fox 5. Wolf 6. Tiger 7. Hyena 8. Pomeranian 9. African Wild Dog 10. Lion
K La Truli
Oh my gosh! Great job on the variety!
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