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added comment inCritique on Drapery study
Hey Flynn! Great job, I really like the proportions and the gesture of the study.
The first thing that stands out to me (not drapery) is it feels like she's floating on that chair. Right now, it feels a bit like she's floating. I feel like it placing her in that chair a bit more would ground her in the scene and in turn give you a better idea of how the drapery might be flowing.
For the drapery to me right now, it feels more like a good study of what you were seeing, rather than an interpretation of what you were drawing. What I would say is try and think of the fabric as something wrapping around the form. @David Finch has a great video on his Youtube channel about drawing clothes I'd highly recommend.
Judd Mercer
I second this! When all the strokes travel down the leg in the same direction it can get a little boring and flat. Varying strokes across the form can help to sort of hint at cross contour. Greg Manchess does this in an amazing way.
Asked for help
This is my first attempt at the figures from the videos. I find the knees most confusing and the constructions lines get lost in areas with overlapping forms. Any comments or suggestions on what I should pay more attention to?
What helps me with knees is thinking about how the hard blocky shape emerges from underneath all the soft muscle folds versus an "end cap". It's easier to see with people who are super jacked, but the principle applies to everyone.