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Arthur Parisi
added comment inJeremy Cranford AMA & Portfolio Review
Hi, my name is Arthur Parisi I'm 24 and I'm from Brazil.
I started studying art 4 years ago and I just started getting my first jobs in the industry. I'm focused on learning the fundamentals so that my art can improve. I love hearthstone's colorful style but at the same time I also like something more realistic, so I try to study a little of everything and use several artists as reference.
My goal is to create amazing images and to support myself only with art and also to work in games that I enjoy.
I would like to know what fundamentals I should focus more of my attention now, and also, as I always wanted to work on hearthstone, what do you think I need to improve to get the quality you guys ask on Blizzard.
Thank you very much for your attention and for spending the time to give us feedback!!

Jeremy Cranford
Hi Arthur, creating great art art is worthy goal in life. To do this you need to train your hand and eye. Overall when I look at your images I see three categories of images. First group is the four characters that are too dark and hard to read because of poor character/ background value separation. Second group are characters on generic unappealing gray backgrounds, and the third group of images is are the two that have good values and colors. That last group is what I want you to make more of. Take a look, does your eye see those three buckets also? I’ll make a few specific notes on the individual notes as well.
Mecha-woman: Fun idea but the background is way too dark. Study good plein aire paintings in black and white to realize how light of value you should be using in the backgrounds. Take another look at her legs, they lack structure and solid anatomy. Good back and see if you can resolve that. You don’t want any “weak” areas in a great painting.
Gnome: I like this one, good vale’s and coloring. It would be nice if this was for WOW that you actually keep the body proportion “on model” to what they are in the game. That is an important skill to develop if you want to make commercial work.
Goblin is cool also but I like you to try a cooler color as the background playing warm skin of the character against a cooler color in the background. Area right behind his head is a bit flat and lacking depth.
Robot: Too dark, needs better value grouping and more color. Soooo much gray in this image.
Blue haired sprite: Look at the right ear placement compared to the left ear. They don’t match. You need to adjust the placement of his right ear.
Minotaur must be one of your oldest images. It has drawing errors on the arm, colors are washed out another black ground.
Focus on these areas and I’m sure you’ll see your work improve.
Best of luck!