Activity Feed
I need help. I’m having trouble with values, compositions and plane changes. I understand the anatomy but shading and separating my lights from my shadows to enhance the forms under the surface is very challenging for me. 😩😩😩😩 I’m super confused when it comes to that.
あん 愛
英語が分からず日本語で申し訳ありません。 人に伝えられるほど上手くない私ですが、Blueさんの絵は良い感じだと思います。 かげについてですが、形状に気を配ったのかもしれませんが、影をシンプルにすることは重要なことと私は考えています。そこに気を付けるだけで大分違いがあると思います。顎の下が二重顎のように見えてしまう、左目の横に円柱に見える箇所があります。もしかすると明るすぎるのかもしれませんので、もう少し暗く影の色は影の色で表現できるといいかもしれません。勿体なく感じてしまいます。 一応やってみました。PCアプリケーションの"粗い鉛筆"ツールを使った卑怯ですが、違いが見えると思います。
Kim Stepney
Learning the basic principles thoroughly so you can apply them to all forms would make your life much easier. I highly recommend Dorian Iten's The Shading Course which will start again September 8. He does live feedback sessions on your submitted assignments on Wednesday mornings, and these are very useful. My understanding of shading went from superficial and theoretical knowledge to a thorough understanding of applied shading.
Jessica Harrison
Hey Blue! First off your drawing is off to a good start. To help with the values, squint at the reference to simplify everything to just the two values, light and dark. As you add more value, detail, and progress in the drawing squint less and less. In your drawing right now I think the biggest things value wise are going to be getting the dark of the background and her hair established more, so it frames the face. Then group together the shadows on the face and subtle push some more dark darks in the eyes. I included a little draw over of your drawing.
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