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added comment inDrawing ‘Nicolai’
Asked for help
Tried drawing ben affleck from the town poster. Dunno, doesn't look like him a lot, tho.
Ernesto Palma
Hey there! If anything, it´s great practice for tonal value control. And you had fun drawing a subject you like, did you not? So take it as fun practice. If you can take a general posed Loomis head, or skull in the same position, you can use this drawing to identify what you can improve. This makes it more like deliberate practice. When you are up to it, try making the portrait again but focus on fixing the areas of improvement first, such as the general proportions, angles of alignment and so on. Great effort!!!
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Hi gothamite, a very nice likeness. You might consider doing a trace-over of Riley rhythms to correct some of the misalignments? In particular, the eyes look a bit off. But all in alll, a very nice portrait :-)

I wasn't familiar with this poster, but before I read your comment I could see that it was Ben Affleck - so the resemblance is there. The main thing I noticed is that the shadow on his nose is a lot sharper than the photo, so it makes his nose look more pinched. I feel like his right eye should be slightly larger too, but generally the proportions and placement of the rest of his features look to be pretty good to me
Jose Angel Notario
Black and white digital painting of the actress who plays Moiraine Damodred in the Amazon TV series The Wheel of Time.
I hope you like it!
Asked for help
So I tried drawing dan reynolds. I'm pretty happy with it.....except it doesn't look like him at all. Critique would be appreciated.
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Well, I don't know who Mr. Reynolds is but I think you have captured a fair likeness. Nice work!