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added comment inHow to Draw Gesture – Step by Step
Just started on my journey to drawing human figures. I strive for perfection so its easy to want to add detail and the figure becomes more rigid or I miss certain parts of the gesture. This is a set of my first 30 min. I can already tell where I’m doing good and where I need to grow. Any feedback.

If I were to give you any critique, it would be to draw confidently. Your lines are very stiff and that hurts the pose a lot. I say you should do 100 30-second gestures before going into 2-minute gestures. This will loosen up your linework and make you commit to the line you put down on the paper. Over time it will remove the chicken scratch lines that you put down in order to achieve perfection. Gesture isn't about perfection it's about capturing the feeling of the pose. I hope this helps you out
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Here are my first few attempts on drawing the eye. Any critique would be helpful
One small tip, the iris is round. In order to make sure that shape is correct, draw the entire circle including the part hidden by the upper and lower lids. Then erase the hidden parts. Do this rather than drawing these two shapes '(' and ')' which more often than not and up not quite aligning to the circle of the iris
beautiful work, a tip I would add, its a bit flat, focus on the planes of the eyes a bit more, before going into shading. a good place to learn a bit more is @Marco Bucci on his portrait course.
hope this helps keep moving forward.
Asked for help
Hello , would like some c
ritic on this box drawing, i'm going back drawing boxes for i can draw complex shapes easier, and is it really importante for allá the líne and detail be 100 presente the same, ir it ok yo make a bit diferent
It doesn't have to be 100% accurate. The box can be a little off. Just make sure it comes close to looking the same. I suggest learning about perspective. After getting the basics of perspective down, drawing boxes will be a piece of cake!