Eduardo Hernandez Torres
Mexico, San Luis Potosi-
Hello, my name is Eduardo. I'm 18 years old, and I'm a college student that wants improve my drawing skills to become a character concept artist.
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Eduardo Hernandez Torres
added comment inHow to Simplify the Motion of the Torso – The Bean
Asked for help
1 min bean assignment. I decided to do the beans in 1 min because I really wanted to analyze the gesture of the bean in each pose. Any feedback is welcome : 3
Shelvs Fleurima
good keep it up

I love how they're simplified! But maybe a bit more exaggeration in the twists could be better :)

Matthew Freeman
Beautiful beans! What size paper is that?
Asked for help
It's been a while since I did gesture drawings (since the first time I posted this assignment so yea x,d). So these are 1 min gesture drawings to get back on the mood of figure drawing and I would like to recieve some critique from these gesture drawings to see what can I improve. I tried to recover the most of the references images that I used in that session.
Good job getting the shoulder and hip tilts, they’re usually the best story tellers. Biggest thing that stands out to me are the too many lines. Try analyzing the pose for a bit and understand what the body is doing quick and then draw. A great exercise I learned for drawing a lot less lines is not using any timer but instead take as much time as you want and draw the gesture with somewhere between 7-10 lines. Really go slow and be stingy with them and confident as well. You’ll get a good feel for how to “describe” the gesture and the body. My lines certainly aren’t perfect either lol it’s always a working progress.
Asked for help
Hello guys, just started today doing gestures drawings. I just did 1 min gesture drawings because I am beginning with gestures drawings and I also tried to do it as simple as posible to catch the flow of the gesture. So yeah, I would appreciate to recieve feedback from this gestures to see what mistakes I am doing.
Thank you.
Hi, for first attempts these are really good, you have definitely understood the concept and purpose of the exercises, keep up the good work.
You just need to work a bit on the quality of the line, gain some confidence in the stroke.
Try to do some control exercises before you start drawing, fill in some cheap paper with circles, curves, parallel lines, etc, to gain confidence and warm up before you start the real exercises :)