Kevin Dent
Norfolk England
Jack of all trades master of some and committed dilettante.
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Kevin Dent
added comment inProko Challenge Odd Bots - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Hi all, this my, 'MecPec' a fire wood prep bot, with 360° spin head, spiral splitter 'beak' or axe, topped off with a chainsaw tail.
Good luck to all there's some great odd looking bots out there.
Kevin Dent
I've noticed no-one including myself has mentioned in their submissions what medium was used to create their artwork I don't know if anyone else is interested but I think its nice to be able to see what can be achieved with different mediums.
I used pencil sketch and gouache.
Asked for help
I'm not finding how to post the Odd Bots Submission. I found Proko Challenge Odd Bots - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE page with the recent submissions. I don't see where to submit. Am I to use what I'm using now?
Hi, yep just post it here, i had the same thoughts clicked on the link and went round in circles finally disappearing up my own exhaust pipe.
Mechanical Friendship