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added comment inChapter 1: Basic Primitive Shapes
The title of this course was very misleading. I was first interested in the idea that you were going to start from primitive fundamental shapes and then work up, but it's such a high level overview that is intended for experienced artists. That's fine, but the title "Introduction to Drawing" with the description saying it's suitable for beginners was misleading. I as a beginner don't have much to go off of here.
Jason Morgan
I am 54 years old, have been producing art since I was 4 and I got this course just to have a refresher of fundamentals. Any basic drawing course will start with these 4 basic shapes. Practice them as Ryan first drew them and THEN try to "bend" them on your page. Start with one shape, say a sphere. It's just a simple circle. Draw it 50-100 times or more. It seems monotonous, but creates muscle memory. Do this with each shape. You will be amazed at how much you will improve. Then bend those on your sketch page. Repeat and Practice! Next thing you know, you will see objects in a much different way. Next you'll learn about how light hits and effects those objects... as soon as you see shapes and shadows in what you are trying to draw, then it's a whole new world. Keep at it. You can do this!