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Daniel Wladika
added comment inRobo Bean Assignment Examples - Lean
Here are some of my leaned Robo Bean attempts
Lebogang Monaheng
These are great, you've a great job at capturing the motion of the figure.
Daniel Wladika
Asked for help
Hey Guys, my assiment for the structures. In tried to put some parts in shapes like boxes but i find it easier to made some organic forms. Feedback is highly appreciated :)
Hello, these are very great drawing, but I think you should try to draw cubes. It will help you for future assignments and even the anatomy course. Also, try to draw animals with a more dynamic pose, something that can help is thinking about the spine.
keep working hard it will pay of.
Hy Guys, attached are some of my bean assignments. I tried it with the following method. 1, try without looking how Stan drawed it, 2 draw with Stans reference, 3 again without reference, only looking at the model. I hope for feedback. Thank you :)
Daniel Wladika
Hy, there :) here are some of gestures. I hope for feedback :D can someone tell me how long i should stick in the gesture topic ? Should i draw gestures for a week, a month, before i move one with the next topics ?
Hi @Daniel Wladika, really nice drawings! Clean and good gesture.
- When looking at the top middle drawing in the 2nd image, for example, notice how his body is less bent than in the photo. As a rule of thumb I try to make my gesture drawings more (or at least as) gestural than the reference, to avoid stiffening the pose.
It's hard to give a specific answer. You want to have a strong grasp of gesture before moving on, yet you don't want to go overkill with practice, expecting to master gesture this first round. In this post I mentioned how I might have tackled the course if I got to start over (Under the headline STRUGGLES). Maybe reading it can help.
Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
PS. I attached an image with some practice tips that really helped me when I took the course