Activity Feed

dev nguyen
added comment inFigure drawing feedback
I think the way you drew the torso and pelvis works well enough. Good job with the bony land marks.
I would recommend:
1. Making sure you get facial features aligned. As humans, we're hard wired to recognize faces, and can easily spot when something isn't right. This angle of the head is usually pretty difficult (where the nose partially covers an eye). There's foreshortening so it can be difficult to get facial proportions correct. Maybe try studying the Loomis method some to simplify the head. Knowing some perspective also helps.
2. Value composition. In the reference, the focal point is the face/head because the highest area of contrast is between the background and the head. We lose that focal point in your study. In your study, I'm seeing high contrast between her right arm and the background, and that's not where we want the viewer to look first, but our eye is drawn there due to the value contrast. Usually more information is lost in the shadows, so I would lower the contrast in that area, and increase the contrast between the head and the background.
Here's a paintover of what I mean. Darkening the background means we can also play around with the highlight on her right earring and exaggerate it :) Good luck!

Luca Hollenberg
I think I got what you mean in terms of the contrast and focal point, just haven't thought about that aaand yeah, I'm will practice the head perspective next ;-) Thank you very much! Really helpful feedback :-)))
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2022/6/19. Here we are! The last assignment of the anatomy course (I apologize for the strong light of my room). I joined Proko on November 29, 2020. About a year and a half ago my drawing level was the one in the photo on the right. I did the portrait, figure course and finally this one about anatomy. I learned a lot and got so passionate about drawing that I decided to enroll in art schools here in my city as well. I still have a long way to go to become a good illustrator but I think I'm on the right track. I want to thank @Stan Prokopenko for everything he taught me. It would be an honor for me if I could have a critique of him on this final work. I am sure there are many errors and inaccuracies. But Stan in one of his videos said once that we have to draw as if that drawing were to be exhibited in an art gallery. I put everything I could into it. And I will continue to do the same in the future as well. From tomorrow I will start studying Patrick Jones's anatomy course and Dorian Iten's course on shading. I also thank all those in the community who have allowed me to progress and improve with their very kind contribution and encouragement. Thank you all!
Conte B on smooth paper (16.5x11.7 inches)